Demolition by "nutcracker"
Seb, Ky and I watched the wrecking ball work on this tower (U Hall, I believe it is, Allison) for about an hour this morning while Abe was at preschool. It was very interesting!! We enjoyed Philip's construction pictures on his site, so I thought I'd post a few of our own for those who are unable to observe in person. :)
This picture (click to enlarge) helps show the scale of the wrecking ball. It looks like it's about half as tall as one floor. So, 5 feet high, maybe?
The ball doesn't swing out laterally like a sledgehammer, as you might expect. It just gets hoisted up and then crashes straight down. Unless he has a video camera on the top or something, I assume the crane operator can't see where he is hitting. We saw one man keep running back and forth from the front of the building to the back, where the crane cab was. I think he was telling the crane operator if he was hitting the right spot or not.
The ball would hit straight down onto the ceiling of one floor, and after a few crunching repetitions, we'd see the ball smash straight through and down to the next floor. In the picture above you can see the bulge as the floor gets ready to collapse. Of course with each hit, debris and rubble and dust would rain down.
With the next hit, it buckles further.
A large segment cracks and falls off.
Another crash onto the remaining segment . . .
And the entire wall collapses.
It was fascinating! We'll be going back for another look soon. :)