This post is part of the General Conference Odyssey. This week covers the Priesthood Session of the October 2008 Conference.
Elder Uchtdorf gave his great "Lift Where You Stand" talk this session, which I love, but my favorite talk was Elder Eyring's "O Ye That Embark." This is the summary passage at the top:
Our power to carry burdens can be increased more than enough to compensate for the increased service we will be asked to give.
I had read and marked this talk four years ago, but a part I didn't remember was this story from when Elder Eyring was a new apostle:
Shortly after I was called to the Quorum of the Twelve, I got a phone call from President Faust, counselor in the First Presidency. He asked me to come to his office. I went with some concern as to why he would take the time to visit with me.After some pleasantries, he looked at me and said, “Has it happened yet?” When I looked puzzled he went on to say, “I’ve been watching you in meetings. It seems to me that you have been feeling that your calling is beyond you and that you are not qualified.”I said that doubt had come to me, as if I had hit a wall. I expected that he was going to reassure me. I told him that I appreciated his being aware of my doubts and asked for his help. But I was surprised by his kind, firm reply. He said, “Don’t ask me. Go to Him.” Then he pointed up to heaven. Now years later I sit in that same office. When I walk into it I look up and remember him and how he taught me by example how to help those who are feeling overwhelmed in the Lord’s service. Find a way to send them with confidence to Him. If they will follow your counsel, they will gain the strength they need and to spare.
I have gotten used to reading about the doubts and fears of the general authorities when they first receive their calls. I know it's a hard and soul-searching time for them, and they often feel humbled and unworthy as they accept their new responsibilities. But then it has always seemed like they are fine after that. They grow into their calling and everyone starts to love them and they become powerful, confident servants of God. So I guess it never occurred to me that they might keep feeling overwhelmed and inadequate! Or start to feel that way again! It's a little sad to think that they have to keep feeling inadequate when from an outside perspective they are so great! But it's actually very relatable, because as Elder Eyring says elsewhere in the talk, "the more faithful service you give, the more the Lord asks of you."
In some ways I hate that idea of lifelong progressively greater responsibility (it's scary!). But in other ways, it's so comforting to know that, 1. when I'm struggling with something it seems like I should have figured out by now, it's probably actually a harder version of the difficulty I've faced before, and my capacity is increasing. And 2. Heavenly Father actually does continue to give aid equal to the situation, which means his help is increasing in proportion to what he's asking of me. Elder Eyring says:
The tough part of that reality, however, is that for Him to give you that increased power you must go in service and faith to your outer limits.It is like building muscle strength. You must break down your muscles to build them up. You push muscles to the point of exhaustion. Then they repair themselves, and they develop greater strength. Increased spiritual strength is a gift from God which He can give when we push in His service to our limits.…Time and again over your life, the Lord has been giving you the experiences to build strength, courage, and determination.
It's not an easy process, becoming a disciple of Christ. I see that. But it's the path we've started on, and now if we just keep walking, He will help us finish it!
Other posts in this series: