
Ziggy wasn't tiny when he was born, but he's tiny now. This seems to be a stage all our babies go through, and it's always tedious when people cite their babies' percentiles, so I won't, but I will say I'm glad to have had the same pediatrician for ten years now, because he knows our pattern and doesn't get alarmed. And nor do I…though sometimes when I start to lift Zigs up by one of his little hot-dog arms I have a sudden fear it's going to break right off! And Sam and I have been known to shake our heads at him and mutter darkly, "Tooooo skeeeny!" (which must be a quote from something, but half-forgotten movie quotes layered on years of private jokes layered on years of misquoting and bastardization, both inadvertent and…vertent…has left me somewhat uncertain of my ground).

Anyway, we love every skeeeny little inch of him, ribs and elf-ears and tummy-wrinkles and all. Any hopes I had about him not looking bald have been dashed, as the fuzzy brown hairs he started with have…not fallen out, but just sort of been dispersed out over his head, like galaxies racing away from each other in an expanding universe. But did I mention his eyes are still brown?? It's unprecedented, and while I don't quite dare declare it a done deal, I'm still hopeful he'll be the one that gets Sam's eyes, after seven other green-eyed babies that match me.
He really is such a charming little man, when he's in the mood for talking. He used to smile and coo at everyone he met, but now he's starting to eye other people when they talk to him, with a calculating look on his face, so I'm hoping it's not the lead-in to a clingy stage. I do so like a friendly baby.

Whatever he does, though, he's got us all won over. I especially like him bare! Darling little babykins.


  1. Is there anything more precious than a baby? Oh he is so adorable, thanks for sharing.

  2. It's from Mulan:

    1. Of course! šŸ¤¦‍♀️ But she doesn't say "skeeny" at all!

  3. Such great pictures! Especially that second to last one! Haha! Oh the best. And, oneeould only need to glance at a single picture of Mette to know that I have experienced babies quite the opposite of this, however, I have also had one or two scrappy models! Jesse in particular was never ever anything but pure skin and bones. So I can fully appreciate how much one can adore these scrawny limby rib showing humans!

    Oh. And the hair! Yes! I’ve always marveled atvhiw, as their head grows, their hair seems to just . . . pull inward.

  4. I know exactly what you mean. We have had some skinny little babies (even though, like Ziggy, they were average at birth) that looked like Gollum! I mean that in the most positive way possible.


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