No eggs
This egg have I gotten by the might of my own arm
No eggs
This egg have I gotten by the might of my own arm
Children's voices in the orchard
Between the blossom- and the fruit-time:
Golden head, crimson head,
Between the green tip and the root.
Black wing, brown wing, hover over;
Twenty years and the spring is over;
To-day grieves, to-morrow grieves,
Cover me over, light-in-leaves;
Golden head, black wing,
Cling, swing,
Spring, sing,
Swing up into the apple-tree.
--T.S. Eliot
© 2015 light-in-leaves. Justine Template designed by Georgia Lou Studios All rights reserved.
Those are cute pictures with their coordinating shirts. What are they holding, little calculators? Sebastian sure looks a lot older, especially with all those teeth!