The joy of parents

This post is part of the General Conference Odyssey. This week covers the Saturday Afternoon Session of the April 1985 Conference.

I liked this quote from Elder L. Tom Perry's talk (but I think he was quoting David O. McKay?):
Our home joys … are the most delightful earth affords, and the joy of parents in their children is the most holy joy of humanity. It makes their hearts pure and good; it lifts them up to their Father in heaven.
It sometimes takes an effort to feel joy in our children. But when we do, it's good for us.

Other posts in this series:

Guidance for those who seek—by Jan Tolman

1 comment

  1. It IS the most holy joy, isn’t it! When I think of how I feel holding my little swaddled Starling as I kiss her head before putting her to bed — it’s sacred the love and joy I feel! And even with my older kids! When I do feel joy over them — it is truly so completely void of any of those tainted mortal emotions we occasionally let sneak in with others (envy, frustration, etc.). It is a feeling that, in and of itself, does draw me closer to God.


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