Stay everlastingly at it

This post is part of the General Conference Odyssey. This week covers the Sunday Afternoon Session of the October 1990 Conference.
Coming on the heels of President Nelson's recent message on gratitude, Elder Helio R. Camargo's talk "In all things, give thanks" felt really timely. This paragraph felt especially true to me:
I am grateful that in the restored gospel, the truths of the universe are incorporated in such a way that all who embrace them are never forced to abandon any previously known truth, nor any comforting hope, nor any ennobling principle possessed before. To the contrary, these truths of the restored gospel only cause the light already had to shine with greater brilliance—any happiness and joy already experienced to be magnified, and inspired wisdom to be added to the knowledge already acquired. Thus, through the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, an individual can be raised to the highest levels that the human mind and heart can envision.
As I've been thinking about things I'm grateful for, I've noticed this same thing—the truths of the gospel are the ones that make everything else brighter. Over the years, my schoolwork, my piano playing, my writing, my running, my relationships, and my parenting have all been enhanced by discipline or doctrine gained through the gospel of Jesus Christ. The gospel is everything to me! And because even my extremely imperfect attempts at living it bring more blessings than any other endeavor, I will never give up trying.

In that context, this thought from Elder Hartman Rector, Jr becomes hopeful rather than overwhelming:
Brothers and sisters, the gospel is easy to live. All we have to do is stay everlastingly at it.

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