Healing gratitude

 This post is part of the General Conference Odyssey. This week covers the Sunday Morning Session of the April 1992 Conference.
Recently I was praying about something and had the words come into my mind: "Jesus has already begun to heal you." I was surprised, because I still felt pretty upset and worried. But when I really looked inside of myself, I could sense that it was true; that even though the difficult situation was ongoing, the healing was ongoing too! Little by little, I was already being healed.

I thought about that when I read this statement from Elder Robert D. Hales:
In some quiet way, the expression and feelings of gratitude have a wonderful cleansing or healing nature.
I suspect that the reason the above statement is true is that the two things go together—gratitude from our hearts to and for the Savior, and the Savior's work of healing. In my experience, sincere efforts to feel and express the former actually do increase the effects of the latter, though I don't know if I'd understood it in quite that way before. I like thinking about it. Knowing that Jesus Christ is working on me, healing me, even  in the moments I'm feeling most wounded, makes me even more grateful, and the cycle continues.

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