God will dwell within

This post is part of the General Conference Odyssey. This week covers the Sunday Afternoon Session of the April 1994 Conference.
Elder Hans B. Ringger, who I have taken a liking to because of the double g's in his last name, had an interesting quote in his talk:
Caterina Di Genova, who died in the Middle Ages as a martyr and who inspired future generations, is believed to have said, “Once God possesses the will of a person, God will dwell within this person and will lead him to perfection.” 
I've written about the complexity of figuring out what we DO, in fact, desire (here and here, for example)—there are often multiple desires in my heart, and they often conflict—but sometimes I think I'm overcomplicating it. When Jesus asked his Nephite apostles what they desired, they didn't seem to hesitate or weigh up what they felt—they just responded from their hearts. And I think I would be able to do the same, if asked. I know what I desire—it's to "let God prevail" in my life. I really do! It's simple, as far as it goes (living it, obviously, is much more difficult).

And so I find great comfort in that idea of God dwelling within us if we submit to Him. It may take a long while for God to lead me to perfection, but I can count on getting there in the end, if that's what I truly want from Him! And in that context, when Elder Ringger says the following, it too seems a statement of hope rather than impossibility:
The spiritual strength of every new generation has its roots in parents’ and grandparents’ love for God and obedience to the gospel.
If it were my teaching that made the difference—or even my example—I might despair at the thought of finding a way to give my children the "spiritual strength" they need. But if it's my love for God! Well, that is genuine and deep. And my obedience, I hope, follows naturally. (I am trying very hard to make it so, at any rate.) I have to hope that in the end, my love of God will be enough to give my children the best chance possible at deciding to invite God to dwell within each of them as well!


  1. Is that a photo of your newest blessing? When do we get an announcement? You are a wonder woman!

    1. Thank you! Yes! I can't believe I haven't announced her here yet, and I need to put up some pictures! I keep wanting to write about her birth, but I have a strange compulsion to do everything in order and catch up on older pictures first…which is taking forever… haha. But I'm working on it!


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