All the baby pictures fit to print

I know, logically, that one cannot keep one's baby from getting bigger by taking pictures of it. (The huge THUMP I just heard from upstairs, unmistakably the THUMP of a toddler climbing[/falling] out of his crib, is proof of that.) But there are just so many parts of a newborn that seem unbearable to forget! Toes. Ears. Wrinkly wrists. They must be documented! And don't even get me started on the curly-curvy way she rolls up in her sleep, the squeaks she makes waking up as she stretches and arches her little back, and the snorting and snuffling noises that get progressively louder and more frantic as she comes into consciousness. She is just the dearest little bundle anyone could imagine, and wild horses couldn't keep me from taking pictures of her! (Assuming they would try. Which seems…unlikely, at this point.)

So! Here is an assortment of pictures of our Clementine (during Month 1) in various habitats and attitudes, and I warn you that she is even cuter than this in person. 
She is, of course, an exceptional baby in many ways, not least being that she learned to smile at us SO EARLY. Her sisters claim she smiled at them on her very first day of life, and I believe them, because I caught this deliberate and delighted smile at Sam before she was even a week old. 

I love this adorable clementine blanket one of my friends gave us, and find myself even more inclined to take pictures of her when she's bundled in it!
Pink baby hand. I always hold her hand when I'm snuggling with her at night.
Feeeeeet! She seems to have abnormally long toes. Piano toes?
Calm gaze. Reminds me of baby Junie.
Bright eyes! Reminds me of baby Daisy. Though Clementine's eyes are darker.
Pinky-pie! Reminds me of little pink Marigold, who always looked so rosy.
Getting sleepy…
And two seconds later…asleep!
Yes, she has been put in the doll stroller. She doesn't mind!
In the little rosebud dress my mom made for Daisy twelve years ago!
Sweet, sunny, sleepy, bright, and beloved. That about sums up Clementine's first month!


  1. Oh GOODNESS! The poses in her little blue-striped, lady bug outfit! That little stretched out arms, scrunched up legs is one of my favorite newborn things of all! It always makes me so sad when they no liner stretch their arms up and scrunch their legs up and arch when you pick them up as they are waking!

    And piano toes. Hahaha. I have piano toes! Pity I never knew to use them for that particular purpose!

    And in the stroller with the doll! And the rosebud dress of Daisy’s! And the blue/clementine onesy!

    And I was thinking she was far too young to be smiling in that picture of her looking up at Sam! The dearest!

  2. Babies are such miracles! And little Clementine is just beautiful, adorable, delightful, so cute! I think you're wise to document everything, as these miracles do grow so fast and our memories fade so quickly. What a treasure.


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