February, along with August, is Birthday Season! My birthday was on a Sunday this year and the best part of the day was watching how happy Gus was to ride on the chair cart after church. :)
Clementine and I both wore bunny dresses, of course!
Teddy's birthday present from Daisy was to make a little movie with her. He was the handsome Mr. Darcy.
Bunny cakes!Clementine loves birthdays no matter whose they are!
The last birthday was Sam's, and it was the same day Abe came home from his mission! What a happy day it was. Two years ago when Abe entered the Missionary Training Center on Sam's birthday, we were all somewhat sad and droopy during the subsequent birthday festivities, so it seemed only fair that we get to make up for that this year! It was so good to have the stake president and his wife, both of whom we love, in our home for Abe's release, and to soak in the special Spirit of God that attends such occasions—even when the occasions go on a little too long for wiggly little monkeys. We ate a late birthday dinner, celebrated Ky's first sub-5:00 mile in a track meet, and hugged Abe every time he got within arm's reach!
One day (not a birthday, oddly) Seb took it into his head to make a peanut butter cake.
Clementine helped.
Typical Seb: when we didn't have any peanut butter cups to decorate the top of the cake, he looked a recipe and made his own. They were really good!
Clementine with Hat Monkey (missing his hat)
Clementine, much to her own surprise and delight, drew a gnome
She insists on matching Evie whenever possible, even if it means wearing a nightgown that does not yet fit!
Clementine and Gus "being blue guys"
Getting ready for Abe coming home—Daisy was very proud of her organized bookshelves
Making posters
“Mommy, is this a perfect bacon for Abey?”
“Umm…what? A what?”
“Is this a perfect bacon for Abey?”
“I…guess so!”
“Okay. Look, I wrote Abey on it. See? N-O-I-S. That’s how I write Abey.”
All the excitement made her fall asleep before we even left for the airport! :)
The second-to-last Sunday Abe was on his mission, he got released as Branch President. A lady from his stake who was visiting the branch sent me a screenshot from LDS tools and a zoom link to their meeting, saying "I thought you might like to see your son conducting." She was right. I did. Really a cool experience.
And here he is home! I can still hardly believe it.Old friends reunited after nearly four years!

Because of Abe's hard work (and unique circumstances) before his mission, he was able to save enough money to pay for his own mission as well as have quite a bit of savings left over. So just a few days after he got home, he was car shopping! He and Sam had a good time discussing the merits and drawbacks of various types of cars, and shopping around all over the valley.
He ended up with this cute Mazda 3!
Clementine and Malachi in a chess stare-down
We had a bout of sickness sweep through the family. It didn't get all of us, but Clementine was tired and sick for several days.
I confess that I loved it. Clementine and Gus both wanted to snuggle with me nonstop, and whenever I tried to slip away after they finally fell asleep, they would stir and reach out for me fretfully, whimpering until I lay back down with them. I will miss these times when they are gone, as they already are for most of the children.
Gus, having rallied enough to sip some Sprite. He still looks pale in this picture.
Sick person's dormitory
One night Sam and I came home from our date to find our room made into a fancy hotel.
Everyone had helped, even Gus. :)
Ooh, so clean and elegant!
This pillow has something fishy about it, though.

Yearly picture of Daisy and her cousin Ben
Daisy crocheted this lacy shawl from a pattern book she got for Christmas
It's so pretty!
To earn money for pointe shoes, Daisy and Junie have started teaching a little ballet class on Tuesday mornings for 3- and 4-year-olds in the neighborhood. It is the cutest thing ever! I love watching them. They started with an 8-week session and they have four little students, but lots of other families have expressed interest, so they may do another session after this! It works pretty well to just roll the living room rug back and move the couches, although they wish they had a barre.
Hopping like bunnies
Dancing with the scarves is everyone's favorite!
Sometimes Clementine can't be kept away, so she comes and joins in. She's so cute! I suppose I should just get her a leotard and let her join for real. All week long, she'll say to me matter-of-factly, "I'm going to ballet," and then head right out the front door! (Which makes no sense, really, since ballet is at our house.)
Cute, cute, cute little dancers!
Goldie buried in warm towels. I used to love this when I was little, too.
Goldie going out to do some good works in the parish
And now we make a jarring turn to this screed I found written in a little notebook. Clearly Ziggy was not happy with Gus for some reason! Poor Gus.
Usually they are such good little friends, though! And Clementine too…see her there off on the hill.
We used to be able to keep Clementine inside by locking the doors, but now she can unlock them and she is always determined to go join her brothers if they're outside! It's not good! We are often having to run out and retrieve her.
Boys in a box
We had such a great police station tour to go with our Emergency Workers Unit. I was so glad the policeman was kind and sweet to little hero-worshiping Ziggy. I looked up mid-tour and Ziggy had just trustingly taken Officer Hansen's hand!
This is Ziggy's face after the policeman told him to push a button on the console, and he realized he had turned on the flashing lights!
Oh it was a happy day for him. And interesting for the rest of us, too!
Sam brought home flowers for me one day and we reflected on some events of this past year. Devastating, joyful, and everything in between. We are learning to trust the Lord and rely on His daily bread, to hold onto hope in His promises. We are continually blessed.
Thank you for always putting together these great reviews of our months! I love remembering and seeing the little details you noticed described so clearly!