Campfire at the End of All Things

Oh, not really the end of all things. Just at the end of summer. But it seemed like summer ended very suddenly this year because we went to Canada and it was like we were in some world out of time—and then we got back and everything schedule-y and Fall-y immediately started up again! It felt like we didn't even have time to take a breath! So a pause on Labor Day was very welcome, and provided us a moment to stop and remember that we really had had a lovely summer.

Sometimes Labor Day is a little chilly, but not this one—it was warm even after it got dark, and the crickets in the canyon were deafening! We forgot the hot dog buns, but Abe and I made an emergency run to the 7-11 at the mouth of the canyon and got all they had—hamburger buns—which worked just fine.
They took out the playground at this picnic area (why? why?) but there's still a wooden walkway which is fun to run back and forth on, I guess.
North-going Zax and South-going Zax. I don't think they actually collided this time!
Ziggy seemed to feel that it was a sober, solemn thing to sit in a little chair just his size.
Would that more of us took our sitting duties so seriously.
You can see Ziggy's steady progression from Rather Mildly Grubby to Quite Alarmingly Dirty in these pictures. I just try not to think about it, while it's happening.

He was pleased with the fire.
Seb and Ky climbed up very very high and I had to make a conscious effort to stop myself panicking about it. They were so proud of themselves (you can see them both waving in this picture if you look closely). I kept my audible comments to a mild "be careful up there!" and sent up a few fervent prayers for the safety of fools, drunkards, and teenage boys.
Abe took a restful snooze in his hammock. While smiling.
These girls were in full Twin Mode (to be honest, they are nearly always in full Twin Mode—but especially so this time because Daisy had been out of town with my mom for a few days, and they missed each other desperately.)
You don't even need to look at me, I said. Just be your normal self, I said.
Sebastian, it must be pointed out, is absolutely amazing with his baby brother. There is no one like him for teaching Ziggy the names of every truck, letting Zig help him with things, conversing, snuggling, carrying—we should ALL have such an older brother.
I just hope it will last long enough for Ziggy to remember it! How adored and doted on he was. If he doubts it, I will show him these pictures.
The ones where Seb looks so happy do my heart good.
The light started to fade on the tops of the mountains. Which meant time for s'mores.
Just what a s'more should be. Marshmallow cooked by Sam, of course.
Ziggy liked his marshmallow at first. But then he became aware of his sticky hands and face.
And, as babies do, made a beeline over so he could wipe them on me.
Goldie, on the other hand, took a sticky face quite in stride.
And Zig recovered enough to start doing…the mysterious things toddlers do.
As it got darker, we had the ceremonial Burning of the Box We Brought All Our Stuff In. Always a highlight of the evening.
Seb is usually in charge of the fire, these days. It makes him happy.

He was doing lots of cool things with burning sticks.
This one looked so cool as he blew on it!
So. It was a good night. Another summer gone. Another school year begun. Next year…many changes in the wind. Endings. Beginnings. But we won't think about it too much yet. Not if we can help it (which some of us…can't).

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