We have been enjoying several weeks of sunny-but-cold weather, interspersed with sunny-and-even-almost--warm. One day we went to Red Butte Garden to enjoy the sunshine and let everyone run around for a few hours---expecting to find everything pretty much brown and dead---but we were pleasantly surprised by how lovely everything still was. Many of the leaves were still bright on the trees, and we saw lots of interesting textures we might not have noticed in more verdant company. There is something so uplifting about being outside in the sun and the air after many days of indoors, even if it's a little chilly!
Fly, birdie, fly!
This birdie is always hunkering down and hoping someone will pet him. I love his expectant "birdie" look (he gets this particular expression on his face only when he is being a Birdie)
The evening light was unbelieveably pretty---so golden and slanted. It always takes me by surprise when this light comes on at about 4 p.m.; I guess I'm not used to winter hours yet. But it is so gorgeous for the brief time it lasts.
The pond was iced over in places (very interesting to our little explorers)
Last rays of sun
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