Random Fallish pictures at the Nature Center

We went to the Nature Center to attend a talk about Owls. It was interesting and good, but mostly it was just nice to be outside in the warm October weather.
Ezekiel CANNOT GET ENOUGH of Abe! How does he keep his neck like that for long periods of time? It hurts my neck just to look at it. But he's always craning around to see things. I try to straighten out his head and he pops it right back into its unnatural position so he can keep looking at what he wants to look at.

I can't remember what the boys were telling Teddy in this picture, but something wrong and bad, obviously. You can see the mischief in Malachi's face. I think it was something like, "Those owls are going to get you..."
But he came to terms with whatever-it-was, eventually.
Abe always likes to arrange Ziggy's hair in this little point. It's very cute.
That is a really dirty face. Huh. I don't remember us eating anything here, so I guess it was just left over from…lunch?
I love this facial expression.


  1. I am deeply saddened that you were that close to me without us seeing each other. Wrong, I tell you.

    1. I know! It WAS wrong. Terribly, unalterably wrong. It was during that bad week, and we only JUST made it there by me not committing to it until the last minute. But we did blow fond kisses in your direction as we passed the turn-off. :)

  2. I am quite annoyed because for some reason I can no longer leave comments on blogs (or even reply on my blog) from my phone. I don't know if it is something with the latest iOS update or what, but I can't find anything about how to fix it. ANYWAY, I typically see your posts on my phone, but now have to try and remember to come back later to comment. This will never do.

    BUT! I love that first picture of Abe and Ziggy. And both Ziggy and Teddy are looking so so cute and so different from one another. And the neck craning! Hans used to do that. He would crane it like that to see the tag on his bassinet and fall asleep with his head craned alarmingly like that! It actually used to worry me! Funny bendy people.

    1. Grr. Commenting seems to get harder and harder. Sometimes I'll have to try three times before it logs in, or I try to do it from my feed reader and my comments just...disappear. (Not on your blog particularly, that I remember, but just in general.) And then it's so daunting to start over. So...thank you for persisting! :)

  3. They're beautiful . . . the photos and the children.


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