Hopeless to hopeful

This post is part of the General Conference Odyssey. This week covers the Relief Society Session of the April 1982 Conference.
Two things I liked from these lovely women: From Sister Barbara B. Smith:
When we can respect not only the differences in others but also their accomplishments, we begin to experience some of the joy the Lord intended. There is so much more of happiness to be had when we can rejoice in another’s successes and not just in our own. 
Being happy in the achievements of brothers, sisters, and associates requires a feeling of security and the recognition of our own great potential. The gospel brings this kind of confidence within the reach of each one. When we are filled with love for the Lord, with all our hearts, souls, and minds, the result is that we can feel and understand and be secure in his love. We will keep his commandments. We do love our neighbor as ourselves. This is the way he planned it to be for us, coming together in love and faith, with hearts so similar.
And from Sister Elaine Cannon:
My dear sisters, the daily work of the Lord involves changing hopeless to hopeful—for all of us. 
…We draw closer to our Heavenly Father when we are in deep need. Our prayers of thanksgiving and joy of course should be part, and are a part, of our worship, but I guess there isn’t anybody here who won’t admit that we pray more fervently when we’re under the press of problems. Attitude in adversity turns hopeless to hopeful. 
…In adversity …we can find our way by asking that all-important question: “Which of my Heavenly Father’s principles will help me now?” And when we find that appropriate principle, the next step is to live that law, “irrevocably decreed” upon which the particular blessing that we need is predicated.

1 comment

  1. Both of those quotes are so good! And I've felt both of them!! That daily business of slowly turning hopeless to hopeful again and again. And the charity business! Because I HAVE once in awhile really truly felt it, I have wanted it MORE. Because when I DO, when I feel that love of God -- the love He has for someone else and the joy in their success -- oddly, I never feel my usual mortal feelings of envy or comparison, I feel JOY and expanded and a part of some great thing! Oh how I would love to have that opened to me always for everyone!


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