We made homemade pizza and root beer on the Longest Day of the Year this year, and sent the little kids outside to eat while the older boys and Sam and I ate inside in (relative) peace and quiet.
I say relative peace and quiet because of this silly guy. It's quite scary when he just picks up a whole piece of pizza and chomps into it.
Our neighbors, bless them, are cleaning out their garage (thus the foosball table they gave us in the last post) and gave our kids a bunch of hula hoops. I have never SEEN such fun with hula hoops! Some of the other neighbors came over and they were all playing with the hula hoops together—rolling them down the hill, having contests, making trains. It was pretty cute.
We hated to put a stop to the hula-hooping, but Daisy and Junie came in on their own and insisted that we keep our tradition of going to the hammock park until it got dark. So off we went with our hammocks.Gussie quite liked it.
Malachi forbade me from taking any pictures of him in "undignified" positions.
9:21 p.m.
9:35 p.m.
And just about the verrrrry last of the light…9:42 p.m.
Back home in the dark! And bedtime for kids who are, somehow, never as sleepy as they ought to be.
That was our Longest Day party, but there have been other days. Days where Gus won't go anywhere without his "Caw"…
Days with hats and one big glove (and don't miss the scrunchie up by his sleeve)…
Snuggling and work days…
Days where someone tries to make himself into a robot…
And a big brother takes pity on him and makes him into a BETTER robot…
Days of wearing headbands and…chest bands?…
Yes. Lots of good days.