Never misunderstood

This post is part of the General Conference Odyssey. This week covers the Saturday Morning Session of the April 1996 Conference.
This quote from Elder Keith B. McMullin was interesting:
But amidst differing views on spiritual matters, there comes to us from scripture the wonderful and comforting promise “Ye may know.” Though our backgrounds are different, we are all children of the same Heavenly Father. He has provided a way to bridge our differences, a way each of us may know. This way is through the power and sure witness of the Holy Ghost.

The Holy Ghost is the third member of the Godhead, sent forth by God to reveal all needful things. He teaches and testifies with divine power and clarity. His witness may go unheard or unheeded, forsaken or denied, but it is never misunderstood.

On one hand, I'm not sure about this, because I can think of several times when I HAVE misunderstood the Holy Ghost! I'm doing so all the time, in some ways, when I feel vague senses of insights but can't quite catch hold of what they mean for me, or what I'm supposed to do with them. There have even been times I've been pretty sure I understand what the Holy Ghost is telling me, only to later feel like I must have gotten it wrong. So, I'm not sure why he says "it is never misunderstood."

On the other hand, I do sort of see what he's getting at—that, once you do feel and know something through the Holy Ghost, it is undeniable. Even if you can't explain it to others, revelation that comes through the spirit carries its own special weight. It does feel like it transcends the sort of mortal miscommunications that spoken and written words so often carry. And I'm so grateful for this other, higher, way of learning and knowing things!

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