Gloria Falls Hike

A friend recommended this hike to me, saying it wasn't very difficult and might be fun to do with the children. We only had a few hours free the morning we decided to hike it, so I didn't quite dare take the littlest ones, not knowing how long it was. So I took only the school-age kids while Malachi stayed home with the others, and we had a great time. It was so gorgeous! October was really the most glorious month. And it was such a good waterfall! I love hiking to waterfalls. I'd like to hike it again in spring or summer and see what it looks like when there's more water, too.
It was a bit chilly when we started out. Not too bad.
Partway up the trail there was an overlook up the mountain where the trees were so bright, the camera could hardly even handle it!
Christmas-ornament evergreens again!
Every time I turned around, Junie was hiding behind (or climbing on) another tree! She does like trees, that Juniper girl. You can't blame her.
Daisy wants in on the tree-hiding
While we were hiking up this trail, we saw a group of missionaries hiking down. Two of them were the missionaries from our ward, so we said hi and talked for a while. Such a fun P-day activity!
It was fun once we got to the stream. We always like hiking next to water, and we knew the waterfall would be somewhere near.
Eeek! A mean troll.
And here is Gloria Falls!
It was pretty warm by the time we got there, but there was a bit of ice on some of the shadowy rocks, so you had to walk carefully! The spray of the water looked so pretty in the sunlight.
The water was low enough that we could climb around a little bit on the rocks. Fun.
Then we headed back down the trail.
The bright overlook again. The phone camera really struggled with the darks and brights.
The other camera was better. Such a beautiful yellow view!
Does the beauty and grandeur of the natural world so inspire the children that they forget to fight with each other? Well, judge for yourself when you see this picture. 
Need a close-up? Yes. Here we see certain parties having a bit of a time-out on the trail. "Just sit there and don't talk or look at each other for 5 minutes!" Things did improve after that.
Daisy, with leaves in her braid
Goldie girl
It was a great hike, and a lovely drive down the canyon too. Well worth doing on a lovely Fall morning!

1 comment

  1. When up said “It was pretty warm by then time we got there”, my brain couldn’t compute for a minute! Like you must be speaking from some foreign country! It’s felt so cold lately (though maybe that feeling is more pronounced as I’ve been outside at night lately). I’d almost forget that it felt like mid summer everywhere around here until mid Oct!

    And the grumping kids on the trail. Hahah.


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