Portraits of Ziggy

Ah, Ziggy. I always say it, but he is one of a kind. All right—yes—he reminds me of little Sebby. A lot, actually. But he isn't quite like Sebby. He's got all of Sebby's independence and intense inward-focused imagination, but he's also got little Malachi's friendliness and hospitality and delight in conversing with people. He loves to explain things, and it's so fun to watch him get excited about something he's built or drawn or learned! He's also a busy guy, so he doesn't have a lot of time to sit around being photographed. But, I did what I could!
What beautiful brown eyes Ziggy has! Can you believe we had to have seven other children before getting a brown-eyed one? I'm so glad we finally did.
His hair has some curl to it when it's long
Yes! The point-for-emphasis!
Silly smile. He's aware of the camera in a way Gus isn't yet.
Not sure what's going on with that hand
There's a real smile!

1 comment

  1. Total cutie. In the final photo he looks a lot like his daddy to me. (People say things like that about our children and I just don't see it. As their mother, they are quite individual and nuanced in my eyes. Not one of the five looks like me at all, our fourth boy looks a lot like my father, but that's as close as I get. Always wanted one who looks like me, but maybe a future grandchild will.)


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