All of us long to possess Christ's pure love

This post is part of the General Conference Odyssey. This week covers the Young Women's Session of the October 2005 Conference.

Today I just have a short quote from Sister Kathleen H. Hughes' talk:
All of us long to possess Christ’s pure love, called charity, but our humanness—the “natural woman” in us—gets in our way. We get angry, we become frustrated, we berate ourselves and others—and when we do, we cannot be the conduit of love we need to be if we are to become an instrument in Heavenly Father’s hands. Being willing to forgive ourselves and others becomes an integral part of our ability to have the love of the Lord in our lives and to do His work.
I love the simplicity of that. We can't feel or convey love when we're angry, so the solution is just to forgive (the offense, and ourselves for taking offense at it)—move on—and keep doing the Lord's work!

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