Longest Day party

I don't believe in the Summer Solstice being on any day but June 21st. Okay, I'll give you the equinoxes. They're more equivocal and can shift from the 20th to the 22nd if you insist. But the Solstices must remain on the 21st of June and December. Those are the official First Days of Summer and Winter and thus I have decreed it!

…However, celebrating the solstice can acceptably be done on another day as desired, and it was desired this year because everyone was so busy! Seb and Malachi were working all week. Junie was at Oakcrest girls' camp. Daisy was at FSY. And when I made a few experimental murmurings about just having our Longest Day party without whoever wasn't here…both Malachi and Seb seemed surprisingly against it! So we celebrated on the Sunday when everyone would be home.
It was a good party as always. Simple. Chicken tacos we mostly made at home and just threw in a cooler for our picnic. S'mores bars. Frisbees. And hammocks.
It was such a hot day. But once the sun went down it was beautiful!
I loved lying in a hammock with this little Gussie-koala clinging to me and smiling so gleefully as Daisy swung us.
And here is our generous benefactor (even if she did sometimes swing us a bit too hard for my taste!)
I love these pictures of Gus' happy, happy face. Oh I love him!
Speaking of happy faces…here isn't one. An outright snarl, in fact!
Later he expired from the heat. The end.
But not quite the end, because Daisy seems fine!
And so do Goldie and Clementine!
Then I tried to take a picture of Goldie and Gus, but Clementine assumed (not wrongly) that she would naturally be the subject desired in any picture, and posed accordingly.
This brave Ziggy hung upside down.
These peas peeked out of their pod.
These two got up to all kinds of silliness. For example…
and this! We laughed so much at them!
Goldie meditated.
9:30 pm! Still light!
When it finally got dark, we went home and had root beer floats on the back deck. A great longest day!

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