Not to be seen of others

This post is part of the General Conference Odyssey. This week covers the Young Women's Session of the April 2006 Conference.
I miss having age- and gender-specific General Conference sessions! Not that we can't all benefit from all the talks, of course. I love re-reading the ones from Priesthood Sessions as well as Women's Sessions. But sometimes there is specific counsel that seem like it has more power being given to a specific group of people. Like in this session. I liked all these talks for their applicability to me, but I especially thought, "I wish my girls could hear this said to them." Now who will tell them? Me, I guess.

Sister Tanner's topic was how each of us can share Christ's light in small ways. Specifically, she focuses on how women and girls can have such an influence on their homes and families. Now, I know, of course so can men and boys! But hearing it said like "this is one of your divine gifts, a woman's special gift" makes it seem so personal. I feel like without this vision, I would have been so much less happy as a mother! Because this is really true:
In these preparatory years, you young women spend much of your time in schools or jobs where you receive accolades, honors, awards, ribbons, or trophies. When you move from that stage to young motherhood, there is a dramatic drop-off in outside commendation. Yet in no other capacity is there more opportunity to serve selflessly as Christ would do by taking care of hundreds of daily physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. You will bring the light of the gospel into your homes—not to be seen of others, but to build others—men and women of strength and light.
It really is such a strange transition when you move from single life into motherhood (and even married life in general). It's wonderful. But it's disorienting when you realize how much of your days and your years are going to go unnoticed and even looked-down-upon by the world in general. It is so much easier to be happy in that life if you have practiced living those principles as a young woman! Sister Tanner says,
You young women are preparing now to strengthen your future homes and families by bringing the light of the gospel into your current homes and families. Small, seemingly insignificant things you do can make a big difference.…You can [do this by] tending a baby brother, eating lunch with a sister in the school cafeteria, doing household tasks, resisting the urge to quarrel, rejoicing in each other’s successes, sharing a treat, giving care when someone is sick, placing on a pillow at night a thank-you note to a parent, forgiving an offense, bearing our testimonies.…

As you share your light, others will find greater light too. Is there anyone who needs your light as much as your families?
It's so true. My daughters make such a difference in our home by being helpful, cheerful, obedient, and kind. When they are grumpy or impatient, all of us feel the difference. Again, that is true with every member of a family, but I think young women need to hear that they, specifically, can add so much goodness to the spirit of a home. They, as young women, can learn unselfish service and Christlike care for others, so that they're prepared to live those things in their own homes and teach them to their own daughters!

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