For Sam's birthday we went on a day trip to Lehman Caves (on the eastern border of Nevada). It was a beautiful day!! We stopped in Delta and had a picnic. There was a friendly cat there who kept trying to knock our water cups down with his tail.
The cave was great! (It is just one cave, the ranger informed us, despite the name.) We had our own private tour because no one else was there. The picture can't really do justice to it--it was so beautiful and otherworldly! We had the shorter, 60-minute tour, but the ranger took us in some extra rooms since we were the only ones. The formations are just amazing--some look so delicate and lacy that you can't even believe they're made of rock. The only hard thing was keeping Sebby from touching things.
Here's the view back towards home--the big desert that we drove across. There's our new car, too (Honda Civic Hybrid--and it was great, we only used just over half a tank of gas for this entire trip--380 miles or so). It was a great trip--even better than a birthday cake, Sam said :) (Although he got that too--pie, actually)
i didn't get any pie