Our own little beach

One never expects to really do much playing in the water on the beach in Oregon. But we were lucky enough to have some sunny afternoons, and while I didn't get IN the water myself, the children seemed to stay warm enough! They would run in and play and then come out and dry off and warm up, and I mostly held Ziggy and Teddy's hands as they got braver and braver jumping over the waves, and watched everyone laughing and making up games and burying each other in the sand. It was lovely. And this picture above makes me so happy every time I look at it! Look at Seb's smile! I love seeing that smile.
The other great thing is just that we were all by ourselves here, which always makes a place feel like your own. It was great not to have to worry that we might be bothering someone…or to have anyone bothering us! Ha ha. It was such a great little secluded spot.
The bravest among us.
Someone walked by and offered to take our picture. That was nice!
This was a typical moment. Abe and Ky hanging back a bit, lost in their own conversation. Seb and Junie ALL IN, egging each other on. Goldie trying to catch up with Junie. Daisy and Sam playing a game with rules and points. Teddy making up his own game. And Ziggy, by me, at a safe distance from the water, pretending he "lost his feet" in the sand. 
(The secret is just acting MASSIVELY SURPRISED when he produces his feet from out of the sand. I thought he was going to die laughing!)
I loved looking down from above at those little tiny people playing in the sand and the waves!

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