Repentance is the basis for our hope

This post is part of the General Conference Odyssey. This week covers the Sunday Morning Session of the October 1996 Conference.
I can pretty much count on always liking President Faust's talks, and this one shows his characteristic compassion and gentleness. My favorite part was actually a quote from President Kimball that I'd never heard before:
Of vital importance is resolving transgression, experiencing the healing process which comes of repentance. As President Kimball reminds us: “The principle of repentance—of rising again whenever we fall, brushing ourselves off, and setting off again on that upward trail—is the basis for our hope. It is through repentance that the Lord Jesus Christ can work his healing miracle, infusing us with strength when we are weak, health when we are sick, hope when we are downhearted, love when we feel empty, and understanding when we search for truth.”
I've been interested in the principle of hope for a long time, but when people are trying to explain what it is, I've usually seen it connected to faith. So this connection to repentance is so interesting. Our hope comes from repentance! From "rising again," as he says. I love that! It makes sense. What could give us more hope in our ability to try again than…trying again? I also like the reminder that even though Jesus Christ works every "healing miracle"—even though all strength and power comes through Him—it is our own deliberate, conscious, specific choice to turn to Him and try again that allows His power into our lives.

1 comment

  1. I loved listening to the talks, and enjoyed hearing the voices of beloved past apostles and prophets. I'm a little late, but I got my post up tonight.


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