Kolob Canyon, a bike park, and a few other things

On our recent trip to Cedar City/St. George area, we didn't venture out much, but we did do a few fun things. We visited the playground where Teddy broke his leg a few years ago! This is the very slide where the incident occurred.
We took up way more than our share of seating at various restaurants, as is our custom.
Daisy quite liked these power line…thingies…we saw everywhere. Can you see that they look like penguins?
We did something we've never done before on this trip, which was hook up a bike rack to our van and bring a couple bikes! Sebastian knew about some bike parks and trails in St. George he wanted to try. Malachi, who is not nearly as into biking as Seb is, was game to go along. Ky is such a cool kid. He will cheerfully give pretty much anything a try, if you ask him nicely. I was impressed that he was able to ride some hard trails (they went 10 hilly miles in Cedar City one day!) and keep up with Seb at all.
Can you see Seb against this vast backdrop?
It was so hot at the bike park! Even in the evening, Gus got all rosy and pink.
Sometimes we had to get in the car to cool off.
The scenery was amazing!
Seb went off the big jumps and did lots of cool tricks.
After getting super hot at the bike park, we swam (two different times) at Snake Hollow Rec Center, which was really fun and felt SO NICE! There is a little waterslide and a big waterslide, and a small circle of lazy river, and that is about all we need to be happy!
It also had bonus elephants.
Clementine had a grand time, until she got cold, as babies always do. (Except Gus. He is the one exception—once he fattened up, anyway)
After the pool Clementine was QUITE worn out!
After looking across at Kolob Canyon all week from our rental house, we finally drove up it one day. It's a beautiful scenic drive. It's considered part of Zion National Park now so you have to pay an entrance fee. But it's so pretty! I love the green foliage under the towering red cliffs.
A nice gentleman asked us about our big family and offered to take our picture—and then, when he realized there were still more of us, nicely took another picture! "Send it to your missionary," he said. We didn't have the heart to tell him that even at this point, we were still missing Ziggy, who was in the car pouting because he didn't WANT his picture taken.
After that, of course, Zig felt left out and started crying that he DID want his picture taken, so we had to take this one to placate him.
And then this one because Gus wants whatever Ziggy wants.
And then this because Clementine is super cute.
Malachi pushed Daisy off this bench, so I took HIS picture as an appropriate punishment for such ungentlemanliness.
Good times!

1 comment

  1. Haha! That’s so funny! I was looking at your family picture and I kept counting and thinking, “But wait. There’s only eight kids here. I must have counted wrong.” Then I’d look again. Finally I realized Ziggy was missing. And THEN I read what you said about not having the heart to teen then nice man talking your photo that he still hadn’t actually accomplished the job of capturing your whole family. Haha.


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