Spring Ballet

I admit that I am still a bit surprised when I see these little girls of mine dancing like…real dancers! I know they work very hard at their classes twice a week. And I know they go to extra rehearsals and practices quite often—too often, I sometimes think, as I am driving them there—but I don't usually get to see them doing anything more than leaping around the house getting in people's way and eliciting frustrated "Stop dancing!"s from all and sundry. And in my head they are still tiny ballerini like they were here:
But no. They are getting actually rather good! Daisy got to dance on pointe for this performance! And they were in the big ballet (Swan Lake) as well as the little one (Carnival of the Animals). They were all fish (that's what their costumes are above), and then Junie and Goldie were in the Polonaise and Daisy and Junie were Young Princesses.
I did the preliminary step of putting their hair in ponytails. But then Daisy did everyone's buns (including her own) in these perfect cinnamon-rolls.
They really were so happy to get to do so many costume changes! And they are quite professional about it all now. I used to have to go help them, but now they lace each other up and touch up their lipstick and even help the little dancers, quite like old hands at all this! Which I guess they are becoming!
I didn't take any pictures at the performance. But I did get a few at the dress rehearsal! All of the girls looked so graceful and strong. I loved watching them.
Daisy looked light as air going up on pointe!
And Junie and Goldie's jumps were so beautiful! This is one of my favorite steps—I don't know the name—but they cross their feet over as they're in the air. It looks so hard!
I think their favorite part by far is wearing makeup for the performances. I had fun helping them put it on (even though we had to run out to the store at the last possible moment because I didn't have any lipstick remotely red enough!). Such a fun thing for them to do this together!

1 comment

  1. It seems like a magical thing for a girl to grow up doing ballet! And to do it with sisters? Almost TOO wonderful! (And I love the image of them confidently lacing and touching up backstage!)


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