Senior Pictures…second edition

I thought I already took Sebastian's senior pictures in November…but a few days before graduation he suddenly took it into his head to make some graduation announcements, and he wanted me to take more pictures for them. I was happy to. I love going out picture-taking with Seb!

We went up to Blackridge Reservoir for most of these. Everything was so green! I love this rainy Spring we've been having!

And now…I guess there's no way to sugar-coat the fact that now we're just going to see about a thousand pictures of Seb with varying poses and facial expressions. So. 
He looks like I just offered to buy him a My Little Pony toy
About to throw a rock
Convenient viney wall
Outfit change! This is a thing for senior pictures…if you haven't noticed. In my day, we didn't take ANY senior pictures, let alone outfit changes. Or maybe that was just me. :) Anyway, I like this shirt of Seb's.
Looking forward…into his future!

Incidentally, someone in my ward asked me if I might take senior pictures for her son, but I didn't dare say yes. I don't feel qualified! However…if someone were to ask me to come up with symbolic meaning for their child's senior pictures…or to devise poses that could later be made fun of for their senior-picture-y-ness…THAT I could do. Hee hee.
Looking sideways…into his future!
We went over and got a few pictures on the track too. I felt so sentimental here…and it's not even ME that ran all those hundreds of miles on it.
Hmm. Good thing I'm not a sports photographer.
Looking off into…the chain link fence that symbolizes how prison-like high school is?
Sitting against the sunset that symbolizes the sunset of his high school career?
Good job for graduating, Seb.

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