The Lord's Pattern

This post is part of the General Conference Odyssey. This week covers the Saturday Morning Session of the October 2001 Conference. 

Here's a quote I liked from Sheri Dew's talk from this session:

The Lord’s pattern for couples and in large measure men and women serving together in His kingdom was established by our first parents. Together Adam and Eve labored, mourned, were obedient, had children, taught their posterity the gospel, called upon the name of the Lord, “heard the voice of the Lord,” blessed the name of God, and dedicated themselves to God. Repeatedly the scriptures about Adam and Eve refer to the pronoun they.

Neither Adam with his priesthood nor Eve with her motherhood could bring about the Fall alone. Their unique roles were interconnected. They counseled with one another, lifted burdens neither could have lifted alone, and then faced the wilderness, with all of its uncertainty, together. This is the Lord’s pattern for righteous men and women.

Other posts in this series:

Conference is a Guide for Our Journey—by Rozy 

1 comment

  1. Sister Dew's talks are so current! She is a great woman.


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