Thanksgiving, and a Flight

Thanksgiving was great! If one measures one's Thanksgiving success by numbers of pies made, it was our best ever—ten pies!
Only a blurry picture of them, sadly, as if through the lens of memory. O that we were still eating these now! Chocolate Chip Cookie Pie (3), Lemon Sour Cream Pie (3), Caramel Apple Cheesecake (1), Pomegranate Cream Cheese (2), and Peanut Butter Chocolate (1).
A better picture of the caramel apple cheesecake. This was my favorite this year. SO good.
And lemon sour cream, my other perennial favorite. If I could only have one kind of pie for the rest of my life, it would be this one.
We did Pie Prep on the Wednesday. I had to label all the crusts to keep straight which filling was going in which! Goldie made the Lemon Sour Cream Pies and one of the Pomegranates.
Junie (with Clementine's help) made the other pomegranate.
The little boys helped by getting the pomegranate seeds out of the fruit! No easy task. My mom had given a bunch of them all to us after going to pick them from her friend's house in Nevada.

Daisy made ALL these chocolate chip cookie pies!
Seb, when not snuggling with Clementine ("A hurt a ear!" she kept saying, sadly), made the peanut butter pie, and I made the caramel apple cheesecake.
We had my mom, Sam's parents, two nephews, two nieces, and a grand-nephew (?!) over for dinner on the actual day. We basically had Abe there too—he was on FaceTime with us most of the day and had a good long talk with each of his siblings and his grandparents! It was really fun. 

Ziggy was SO excited about everyone coming, he waited (wrapped in a blanket) on the porch swing for over an hour.
Poor faithful fellow.
All the food prep and greeting people and setting out the feast seems to mean we never get many pictures after everyone comes. But everything tasted great, and I did get this picture of Clementine feeding Gus, for some reason.
We put up a paper on the wall for each letter of the alphabet and let people write things they were thankful for on them.
We played some fun games after dinner
And ate lots of pie. A great day!

A few days after Thanksgiving, Seb went on a "Discovery Flight" with the Flight School he's interested in attending. The instructor is in our ward and said Seb could bring Teddy too! They flew all around the valley and even got to fly over our house! Seb texted when they were coming and we all ran outside and waved. Can you see them?
Seb took this picture from the air—see our big bally hill? And our house right next to it.
Such a fun thing!

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