In the Hands of God

This post is part of the General Conference Odyssey. This week covers the Saturday Afternoon Session of the October 2003 Conference.
I liked Elder W. Craig Zwick's talk "The Lord Thy God Will Hold Thy Hand." He talks about the symbolism of God's hands and how they show care and power. It's a symbol I've always liked too! Elder Zwick says:
To be in the hands of God would suggest that we are not only under His watchful care but also that we are guarded and protected by His wondrous power.
Elder Zwick tells an experience where he blessed his tiny premature baby and was amazed that his own hands could hold such power and authority from God. I've felt that same amazement as Sam has given priesthood blessings to our family. But even beyond that, I was struck by the image of trust implied by being held in someone's hands (as we hold a baby). It just feels so touching to imagine God holding us in his hands like that—gently and carefully, carrying us wherever we need to be. Elder Zwick says,
The great plan of happiness includes a proverbial roller coaster of challenging times along with the most joyful times. Yes, we all have our moments of difficulty and heartbreak. Occasionally, they are so difficult for us that we just want to give up. There are times when our steps are unsteady, when we feel discouraged and even reach out in desperation.…

Just as little children trust, each of us must have that same childlike, unreserved trust. We must all remember that we are sons and daughters of God and that He loves us very much. If we truly understand who we are, we will have an unfailing source of hope and comfort.
And then he gave this interesting insight:
Imagine the wounds in [Jesus'] hands. His weathered hands, yes, even His hands of torn flesh and physical sacrifice, give our own hands greater power and direction.

It is the wounded Christ who leads us through our moments of difficulty. It is He who bears us up when we need more air to breathe or direction to follow or even more courage to continue.
I haven't thought about how much comfort "the wounded Christ" gives, but it's true. Part of what helps me want to trust Him is remembering what He was willing to go through in order to truly understand me—the wounds he accepted so He would know how to succor His people. Knowing He did this, knowing He will always act from a place of compassion and understanding, gives me such confidence that He can lead me out of any difficulty.

Other posts in this series:


  1. I liked Elder Zwick's talk too. I even quoted it in the talk I gave on Sunday. I love it when what I read is perfect for my needs.

  2. We have a little BofM verse each week and the one this week is just part of Omni 1:16 — “And they journeyed in the wilderness, and were brought by the hand of the Lord across the great waters,”. So this further stuff on being in God’s hands is perfect for me to think on right now! And your end part about what he was willing to do to fully understand me personally made me feel both a little stab of guilt for how unwilling I often am to want to understand others in a way that truly mint fill me with compassion for them, and a desire to do that better.


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