When we first arrived in Quebec and I was going through a little…crisis of adjustment, let's say (funny thought, because I hadn't thought I of all people would need to adjust! The children, yes. But not me!)…the dearest, most inspired friend texted me something that comforted me so much. Something like, "Because you didn't find exactly the clear things you hoped you’d love right away, now, you can be a blank slate—able to discover the quirky little things God has put in place for you to discover and love."
Maybe because she said that, I've been looking for them. And I have found them! Of course I'm still a pilgrim and a stranger here. But there are already so many places that feel like my own special discoveries, so many details that feel like dear little secrets—so many funny little things I've grown to love.
• This little row of streetlamps along a park. It's away from some of the busier areas and there's a little hidden playground behind with swings and a tiny built-in trampoline. The lamps remind me of Embassy Row with the gas lamps in London. They go on when dusk is falling and make soft little pools of light on the sidewalk. So pretty!
• This long boardwalk going down from the Plains of Abraham (a big park along the hill) to the Château Frontenac (famous hotel here). It is hardly a secret. But somehow most people seem to choose another, more direct route between those two tourist attractions, leaving this boardwalk quiet and peaceful. In the early morning it is deserted. The trees make a tunnel above it, except when they break to allow a few glimpses of the St. Lawrence River below. And then, after you descend several flights of stairs, you come suddenly around the corner to the most extraordinary view of the Château! I love it every time.
• This artistically-worked marble monogram between our two front doors. (I also like that we have two front doors.) I don't know what it is! Some kind of masonic symbol? "IB"? "BI"? B with a Roman numeral 1? Maybe there's an "H" in there somewhere? "HIB"? Whatever it is, it was clearly made with great care for this doorstep, and I love it.
• The way the light comes in through this side of the house at sunset, especially through my bedroom balcony doors. In all the time we've been here, we have only closed these doors once or twice (only during the worst downpours) but they have remained constantly open the rest of the time. I will be so sad when we have to close them for cold weather! I love the light and air coming through.
•. The two little lofts in the house. They've turned out to be the best thing ever! Junie sleeps in hers full time. And Teddy and Ziggy have one they can play in too. When Abe and Seb visited, the little boys gave Seb their bed and moved up to sleep in the loft. It looks so cozy and fun, I almost wish I could sleep there myself!
The lofts have little windows through to each other, and one of them looks through to Sam's and my room too. That means I will be sitting in bed reading sometimes and suddenly look up and see this:
Or this:

I heard so much giggling in Junie's loft one day and climbed up the ladder to see what was going on. The girls were playing with Calico Critters (they bought the "Baby Bunny Family" at the toy store here and you wouldn't believe the fun these teenagers have with them). They had the coziest little spot to play!
Then I looked over into the other loft and there was Teddy looking through!
• The little funny spire at the corner of our street. It's not part of a church or anything, but a lot of houses seem to have some little decorative element like this. I love it. All the kids know it marks our street, and Clementine will always say when she sees it, "Turn here, Daddy!" There's a little rooftop garden behind it and I wish so much I could go up and look at it.
• The big front windows with their double panes and shutters. I like the weird way they unlock and the way one pane can swing open to let in the air. The kids love to stand there and look out at the garbage truck or at people walking by. I love walking up our street and being greeted, coming or going, by these happy little faces.
And by these excited little waving hands!
And Église Saint-Matthew (which is a library now) from the windows on the other side of the house. I love them both.
• I like this kitchen window with the wide windowsill. I like to sit here while I'm waiting for water to boil or for a timer to ring. I like to look out the window onto the deck and feel the breeze coming in through the open pane.
• And the last one for now…Sam's and my garret bedroom. I love it so much. Everything about it. I love the skylight and the beams I can see above me as I lie in bed.
The beams have Roman numerals scratched into them, I assume so the builders knew which ones fit where. They look old.
I think this is so true really! Goldie was a little scared and overwhelmed when she heard about her most recent transfer. It had only ever had elders there. And everyone said it was just a dump. And no luck with any teaching. And suddenly she was called to go there with a brand new trainee. So nobody would already know the people and the ropes. She’d just be thrust into it with no real background. But I felt that same thing! That it was maybe good for her not to have anyone there giving her their opinions of the people etc, but for her to just be a blank slate for Hod to show things to. And I love that your own ideas of what might have been clearly perfect were wiped away for you to have that happen with everything around you!
ReplyDeleteI love the monogram between the doors! Mike wished we could have tiny tiles with a big H in our entryway. Of course … money. But I love that you have that there!
And the light at sunset coming in through those doors is pure magic!
And the big windows with kids watching all the comings and goings!
And mostly I’m SO GLAD you kept the bedroom for you and Sam!!!! In this little rental the master bedroom really had to be the girlsI’ bunk room, but it’s a magical room and I often sigh and think how much I wish it was just my room and Mike’s! I’m so happy you got to keep the magical room! It’s just so happy! All of this is! And I love that it’s had to become it! And that it fully has! (Like how the windows open! Which now seems charming! But was only a cause of frustration that first night.)
Don’t mind phone typos … I’m not re-reading!
I loved how Goldie was talking about that new area in her letter. Like it was the best place ever. I thought, "she's going to be so loved there because she's so willing to love it!"
DeleteAh yes. I pride myself on not being “one of those teenagers”. I still play with dolls and toys, for goodness’ sake!
ReplyDeleteIt's part of your charm! 💛