Come to him ourselves

 This post is part of the General Conference Odyssey. This week covers the Sunday Morning Session of the October 2006 Conference.
I think often about how many gospel principles I really only started to understand once I was trying to cultivate them in my children. So I loved Sister Margaret S. Lifferth's reminder about the progress we ourselves make when helping others progress toward God:
Brothers and sisters, as a mother and a Primary leader, I know this work with children is not easy. Protecting, teaching, and loving children can be demanding, often discouraging, sometimes exhausting, and occasionally the fruits of our efforts are long delayed. But it is precisely because it is not easy to bring children to the Savior that we must come to Him ourselves.

As we seek Him and His Spirit to help us, we will see a miracle. We will recognize that our own hearts are changing and we too are becoming “submissive, meek, humble, patient, [and] full of love.” We too will reflect the light of the gospel in our own countenance.

Other posts in this series: 

1 comment

  1. There's nothing like trying to teach a child to open my eyes to my own lack!!! It's lovely to grow as a child of God through being a mother to another of His children.


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