Isn't it strange how when you look at the faces in someone else's pictures all you see are strangers? And you can think dispassionately "that guy looks weird" or "that lady looks like my 3rd grade teacher" and that's the end of it? While, meanwhile, I look at these faces and feel a great swelling up of love and memory. Oh we love these people. It's not like we spent every hour with them even when we were in Québec. We all lived our own busy lives. But the time we did spend together was somehow magnified or deepened enough that we grew to love them so quickly. I keep wondering if we will find a way to go back and visit. But even if we do…things will have already changed. It feels so sad.
But this wasn't a sad day. It was a happy one. We made a million cinnamon rolls and invited all our Lévis Branch friends to come over and eat and talk with us on a Sunday evening. It was a mini version of the Butterscotch Roll Party we do on Christmas Eve in Utah. It was a lovely snowy night and our house felt so happy and full with so many friends in it!
Daisy, Junie, Malachi, Laura, Valerie
Jeremie, Richard, Ziggy
Goldie's dear friend Louise. And her little sisters, the beautifully-named Lumiére and Seriah.
Gus and his beloved Charlotte
Laura and Valerie
Greice and Jeffrei Moreira
Frère and Sœur Gélinas
Francine (Louise's darling mother)
Sophie, Nívea, Katia
Kids hauling Daisy around and making her play with them
Sam, Patrick Betchi, President Freire, Frère Portal
Laura's little sister Isabelle
I guess I'll put the pictures from our Branch Souper Noël here too, while we're showing people we love!
Frère Babalola always had the best outfits on Sundays. I was so taken with this short-sleeved suitcoat!
Goldie and Louise
Isabella Moreira. She is the cutest! We loved her and her sister Helena so much. They sat in front of us in church and would look back and play with us. And they came to choir and played with us there too!
There's Helena with Gus and Clementine
Junie, a bunch of Primary kids and our dear Sœurs Robinson and Veenker
Someone broke out the karaoke at the end of the party…the young women favored us with a few very giggly numbers
Oh my goodness, Frère Babalola again. I love his suit so much. He obviously knows he looks good in it.
Francine's amazing rose headdress
I played with this little girl in Relief Society whenever I could (she would crawl around and rummage around in my bag) but I never learned her name! How sad! She was just learning how to walk and in this pictures she was so pleased with herself about it!
Francine, who is from Congo, told me she was going to bring "foufou" to the Souper Noël and I was so curious about it! This is what it turned out to be. Kind of a paste made out of boiled and mashed plantains or cassava. On the buffet table, it was wrapped up in plastic wrap like a bunch of mini pie crusts. To eat it you just pull off a bit of the dough with your hand, and then Francine brought a sort of picked cabbage to dip it in. It was SO different! And good! The only thing I have eaten that's anything like it is the mofongo we tried in Puerto Rico.
Sœur Tremblay from the other branch (who I think was the stake music director, because she went our branch's choir practices and was always asking me to do music stuff) took me aside into a room after church on our last day and presented me with this beautiful little diorama she had made for us. She had little warrior figurines for the boys and little Avon lady figurines for the girls too, and a little paper talking about the symbolism of each thing. They are all reminders of our time in Quebec.
It was funny, because all the time I knew her, she was kind of a formidable lady who always talked to me in this huge flood of words. She didn't speak a bit of English, but she just barreled ahead in French and I was always straining to understand everything and feeling I must be missing a lot. She would say important multi-part things like "you must be at stake conference early to play the organ prelude, but the choir will sing before that on the Saturday, but not the Sunday…" and then I'd start to panic but just keep nodding. I'd repeat what I thought she'd said afterwards, and then she'd unleash another flood of words I'd have to just hope I got the gist of! And I really couldn't tell if she liked me at all or just disapproved of the way I always hesitantly asked for clarification!
Anyway, as she explained each part of this diorama so carefully to me, I really think I understood it all, and then she started crying, and I started crying, and it was so surprising to realize that all along I had been making a friend without knowing it.
Clementine's adored and adorable nursery leader Marie-Kristine—we love her SO much! She has the cutest kids, including twins Théo and Jade (cutest names!) We have plans for Goldie to marry baby Théo. We find the age difference no obstacle. It makes me so sad to see this picture and think that Clementine will forget how much she loved Marie-Kristine! She does still remember her right now…she says sometimes, "I want to go to Ta-bec. I want to go to my nursery." I wish she would never forget!

Oh this really is the difference between just getting to take a trip somewhere and getting to LIVE somewhere for a time! The people! Creating relationships and knowing people exist that you’d SOMEHOW gone all your life strangely NOT knowing of their existence! Even living in this rental. I often feel somewhat horrified considering that if we’d just moved straight to our new house we would have remained oblivious to the existence of so many people we and our kids know and care about!