If we do this stuff, we will run and not be weary

A long time ago I recorded one of Abraham's Primary talks and posted it here.  While I was listening to it again, I was thinking how I had totally forgotten that sweet little voice of his.  (He was good at saying his "r"s . . . unlike some others I could name :))

So here is Malachi giving his recent Primary talk about the Word of Wisdom.  I love the way he talks while breathing out AND while breathing in (very efficient).  I also love the little touches with which he makes this talk his own ("If we do this stuff," Leek Soup as part of the word of wisdom, etc.  One time while practicing he used "Fanta Orange" as an example of something we should drink).  It is strange to think that someday I will have forgotten how 3-year-old Ky sounds too.  Then I'll listen to this to remind myself.

Bonus Track: Ky reciting a poem ("What a conunder-drum!") Eggs

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