
I don't like (my mom would be horrified to hear me say this) New Year's Resolutions. I have been trying to figure out why (laziness? cynicism? general misanthropy?) but it has required too much effort, so instead I decided to try the simple remedy of not making any and see if that helps.

It does.

I seem to be able to accept everyone else's resolutions with complete equanimity. So resolve away, friends. I remain blissfully unimproved.

Stagnantly yours,


  1. You use such big words! I'm impressed.

  2. I prefer to see us as not needing resolutions. In my case, because I bucked the system and made my resolutions in July (take that, establishment!), in your case, because you have nothing left in need of improvement. :)

  3. I like Sam's perspective on it. Awesome.
    See I don't like them much either, but Kris's dad is pretty serious about them, so he was asking Kris to do some, which made me think about it. But I still couldn't do just the plain old resolutions. I don't need to make myself feel bad.

  4. Remind me to tell you about picture sheets sometime. I'm not usually a resolution fan myself (like I need a longer to-do list) but I really like doing annual picture sheets. And if I do them near New Year's, my mom buys all the supplies :)


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