A few new things we are learning

Abe started learning to play the piano after Christmas this year. So far he is a pretty diligent worker (although he sometimes seems surprised how many times I make him repeat things until they are perfect. When I told him, "Sometimes I practice something 50 times in a row and it still needs work," I think he looked a little pale. Poor guy. So many hours of work ahead of him . . . but it will be worth it :) ) and he is trying hard to keep his fingers curved, sit up straight, etc. There is a lot to concentrate on!

Malachi is learning to walk. He will do 6 or 7 steps at a time now, but he doesn't seem to want to buckle down and do it for real. He perks up his ears every time we say the work "walk," though, and seems quite proud of himself when he manages a few steps. Maybe it's just as hard as playing the piano, in its way. I don't remember. :)

And Sebby. He has been learning to wedge himself into tight places which he occasionally can't get out of. He also writes letters on pieces of paper all day long. He is great at making most letters, and he can write "Sebby" really well, but he always writes these huge strings of letters and asks me, "What does it say?" When I try to pronounce his creation ("Um . . . it says, 'sbkleddeff'") then he says, "No, Mommy, what WORD does it make?"


  1. adorable boys as usual!
    Question for you. What books are you using to teach the boys piano? We want to start with Max but I'm at a total loss as what to get. Advice?

  2. Oh, that Malachi is SOOO cute! And I remember reading Lincoln's strings of letters. What an aspiring writer Seb is.

  3. Yay for ABraham! He looks great. Good for you too, teaching him! I hope it keeps going well. Sebby would get along great with Owen--he loves to pack himself into places. TOday at my haircut, he was in the toy box and Thomas was on top of him and we heard a muffled cry...


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