
Malachi has several patterns which he repeats day after day. He will repeat the above until we make it impossible (e.g. we stop taking pity on him and don't "help" anymore [rare; just look at his cute face!] or else we put some big obstacle in the door so he can't close it anymore).

He really, really loves furry stuffed animals (especially Abe and Seb's Honey Bear and Monkey---he seems to sense that those are the "favorite" animals) and every time one gets near him he hug, hug, hugs it. (Then bites it.) He has several animals in his crib that he likes, but whenever he gets bored in there he throws them out, then laughs, then becomes sad and wishes he had them back.

He is also getting better and better (and more motivated) at walking. (Click to enlarge the picture.) When he falls, he pushes himself right back up and starts wobbling along again. He thinks he is pretty impressive and often claps for himself enthusiastically.


  1. He IS impressive! I love him. He seems like such a cute little, pleasant guy!

  2. He IS impressive! I love him. He seems like such a cute little, pleasant guy!

  3. Wow. I didn't mean to post that twice. But for good measure, perhaps one more time will add all the more charm.
    He IS impressive! I love him. He seems like such a cute little, pleasant guy!

  4. Ditto, Beth! :)

    I love to watch their cute little minds work when they figure something out! He's such a sweetheart!


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