
One of Sebby's jobs is to transfer the diapers from the washer to the dryer, and start the dryer going. He LOVES the washer and dryer (especially the dryer vent---it opens when the dryer goes on), he loves the smell of laundry, he loves warm clothes, and he loves sorting colors and handing me the clothespins and gathering up hangers to put on the clothesline. So he's a good little helper.

The thing is that Malachi really, really wants to be a good little helper too, and Sebby is not always pleased to have Ky's help (especially when it consists of undoing what Sebby has just done). But lately Seb seems to have decided that a supervisory role is just as fun as an active one, and here he is happily instructing Ky on the finer points of diaper-drying.

Seb is very careful to make sure Ky does everything right.

And when they're done, Seb shows off the dryer working to Ky as proudly as if he were personally responsible. And Ky is just as delighted as if he'd never seen it before. And everyone is happy. (Including me, having just been saved bending over to do this myself!)


  1. I have to say that truly is a win-win-win. My favorite kind of situation.
    How fun to see them work together, and how nice that you don't have to do it!!

  2. What good helpers! Whenever my kids have a job together it consists of Jacob telling Eleni to do something the right way, then Eleni screaming, "No, Daaaayyy-cub!!!" and hitting him and him hitting her and both of them running upstairs, screaming and crying and telling their sides of the story. I do have dreams of someday getting them to cooperate . . .


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