Bike rides

Every night after the kids go to bed, Sam and I go on bike rides. (Coming back periodically to check on the kids, don't worry. Or do you still worry, even knowing that?) I finally remembered to bring the camera one night. Everything is so beautiful, I can hardly stand it.

(Dramatic sunflare)

(If you belong to the lovely family group in the middle of the photo, email me. I'll sell this picture to you for $20 less than whatever your portrait photographer was charging.)

Baby ducks!
We haven't minded the rainy days too much. They make for such beautiful skies!

I love riding
my bike. I never knew I would love it so much, but I think it's partly because it's so easy and comfortable---no bending in half over the handlebars---and partly because it's just so fun to ride around together with Sam. I honestly think our bikes are one of the best purchases we've ever made. I only wish we could ride them all winter long, too.


  1. So pretty! Do your armipti get sweatty?
    I have loved the rain recently, too, because it hasn't been accompanied by freezing winds. I went on a ride on the river trail this week with all the kids and had the best time. It looked a lot like your pictures, except imagine also a stinky campground and a trailer park, plus going under the freeway and two railroad tracks.

  2. What a perfect evening activity. The views are amazing!!! I want to move back to Utah . . . :(

  3. WOW! I so love where you live. Can I PLZ PLZ be your next door neighbor? I really wish I could. For lots of reasons.

  4. Oh, my gosh, where ARE you guys? It's lovely. That's Utah? And don't you believe Gin for ONE SECOND. She does NOT wish she could live her, the little weasel. Or at least, doesn't intend to. We need to kidnap her and make them sign a contract on a house blindfolded or something.

    And sadly, I still do worry about the boys. In my own experience, the terrible things happen in a second, and if you're not there - if somebody isn't there at that second . . .

    It only takes once.

  5. Hey Marilyn,

    Just check in on how the baby names are going. Have you added any to your list since the post on NFATE?

    I would really love to know actually because think that our tastes in girls names might be quite similar - you can never be too short of inspiration when your looking for names!

  6. Marilyn,

    Sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you but I have been absorbed with our renovations (now over thankfully).

    I would love to share our (very very long) list with you. However, I am not too keen on revealing our entire list to some of my family and friends that may be reading our blog.

    If you'll please email

    I'll send it through. :)

    I have to say though, eerily, it has alot in common with yours.


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