Rain and daisies

This is such a beautiful time of year! I'll probably have lots of flower pictures for the next little while. The last couple weeks have been great for the daisies. (The wild ones must be a different kind than the ones in my yard, which don't even have buds yet.) There are lots of water iris out also.

We went on a walk last night and enjoyed lots of flowers and stormy, cloudy skies. There was lightning and thunder too, and we got home just in time to enjoy our rootbeer floats (inside!) as the downpour started. Beautiful!

(Ky sees an airplane)


  1. I love the pics! Adorable boys in fantastic scenery.

  2. The lighting is fantastic in these pictures. Beautiful.
    Also, when I saw your blog header it reminded me that we made your Gollum cookies yesterday. We didn't have chocolate chips so we used jaddis/butterscotch chips and they are so YUMMY! I made the full batch, only baked up two trays full and the rest of the batter is sitting in my fridge. Do you ever think I'll end up making the rest? How the jaddis do I know?

  3. thems pictures is gorgeous. oh my gosh.



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