A rosy Easter

Easter is always so nice. Bless Old Navy for making matching dresses for Big and Baby Girls! And bless Target for Bunny Sweaters. Some people asked me if I had made the dresses. Heavens no! Wouldn't that be lovely if I had or could, though?
I love the bunnies I've been collecting over the years. Coincidentally, these bunnies stayed in place and did not arrange themselves in impossibly precarious towering formations this year. It can't have anything to do with Abe being gone, can it? Surely not. Also, a lady in my ward was over at my house and admiring these bunnies. She said, "I love bunnies, but my husband would never let me have so many." It had not occurred to me that anyone would ever NOT like so many, but I guess I should add it to the list of things I'm grateful for about Sam! Bunny Tolerance.
These mossy bunnies are so sweet, too.
And this fluffy wreath, which is a Christmas wreath, but looks so Eastery, we use it for both!
For our Passover Dinner on the Thursday night, I usually try to do a simplified Seder plate of some sort, and make something semi-Middle-Eastern, and lamb if I can manage it. I couldn't manage it this year, so we got takeout from an Indian place—lamb coconut kurma—and I made tzatziki to go with it. It was SO good I wonder if we'll ever do it any other way again?
We had my mom and two nieces over for Easter dinner, and the girls set the table absolutely beautifully, but I didn't get pictures of anything but the pie! It was a very good lemon sour cream pie, if that's any consolation.
We dyed a few eggs after church, having run out of time on the Saturday. Just in time to have an egg hunt with them after dinner.
We had anticipated cold weather, but it was lovely and sunny and perfect, so we were grateful! It feels so right for Easter to be a beautiful day full of hope and sunshine. Christ is Risen indeed!

1 comment

  1. A very rosy Easter indeed. (And I’m nearly done commenting already because every one of those words autocorrected to something else. 🧐) But! I love that you do a Passover meal! And I love all the matching Easter clothes! And, of course, all the bunnies! (And that your husband ALLOWS you to have so many. Hahaha.)


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