It doesn't seem to matter where or when

 This post is part of the General Conference Odyssey. This week covers the Sunday Morning Session of the October 2005 Conference.
Sister Carol C. Lant (whom I am sorry to say I don't remember at all…usually at least the names sound familiar to me, but hers doesn't!) gave a good talk on scripture study during this session. My favorite part of it was this:
Sometimes I have the luxury of immersing myself in the scriptures. Sometimes I read them in snatches. However, it doesn’t seem to matter where or when I read the scriptures; I can still carry them in my heart. I have found that by reading them in the morning I am able to carry the influence of the Spirit with me throughout the day. When I read them midday, it is usually because a need has taken me there where I am able to find answers and directions that influence my decisions and actions. When I read them at night, the sweet, comforting messages from the Lord linger in my subconscious mind as I rest. Many times I awaken at night with ideas or thoughts that originate from the words I read just before drifting off to sleep. My mind may go many places during the day, but my heart securely embraces the words of the Lord found in the scriptures and “pondereth them.”
I love that! No matter what my current method, I always feel vaguely that there must be some “better” time or way to read the scriptures and I’m not doing it. But I love the thought that there are benefits to all the different times and ways, and they should all be sought after in their place. It sort of reminds me of Elder Gong's recent "All Things For Our Good" talk…like no matter our current way of studying the gospel, Heavenly Father will turn the effort to our good in some way or another.

Other posts in this series:

1 comment

  1. I liked that part of Sister Lant's talk too. Routines change over the years. You can look forward to having a regular, almost unchanging routine when all the children are grown. I enjoy the uninterrupted time that lasts as long as I want.


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