Kindergarten Program

Seb had his end-of-year Kindergarten Program last week.  It was cute, and he was cute.  If I had been another parent watching him I might possibly have thought there was something odd about that child, but being his doting mother, I knew his repetitive autistic-savant-like motions were just him counting the chairs.  And the books behind him.  And possibly the parents and siblings.  And poking his finger nervously into the tiny, tiny hole in his shirt about which I had given him many stern warnings about not poking it or it would get bigger before he left for school that morning.

He said his part perfectly, and sang very nicely, when he remembered to.  He is so sweet and I love him.  His teacher (who has been the BEST, and Sebby said he wanted to be in her class every year and even when he got a job after college) got very teary about saying goodbye to her kindergartners, and I was a little teary myself thinking about how much Sebby has grown up. I don't know how I'll stand having him gone all day next year!
Shyly receiving his certificate

I asked him if he wanted any pictures of his classroom and this was what he wanted to memorialize.  It is a very cute, tiny toilet, I must admit. (Good thing I had the focus so sharp on the important part of this picture!)

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