Miracles and Disappointment

I was thinking today, that we best demonstrate faith by our actions after we have been disappointed---i.e., when we pray for something to happen, and it doesn't happen, it is then that we have the opportunity to truly be faithful. Because before that point, when we are first asking God for something, we are not (much) different than someone who is simply "seeking a sign" for the wrong reasons: in both instances, there is hope that something you want to happen, will happen. But when it doesn't happen, when that disappointment comes, the unfaithful person decides: "Fine, that proves it: there is no God/God doesn't care about me." Whereas the faithful person says: "I trust God, so there must be a reason for this disappointment. I don't understand---but I still trust Him to do what is best."

To me this seems significant, because when something I have hoped and prayed for doesn't happen, I often think, "Well, that's the end of that: I must not have had enough faith." But that is exactly the wrong way to look at it---when your miracle fails to come, that is when true faith must start. An "unanswered" prayer is not a sign to give up because your attempt at faith has failed! The time of disappointment is exactly when you must begin to exercise your faith, to show that you will trust God even through the disappointment. And then, after that, you may still get your miracle.

I know this because I've received my share of those miracles. And many of them have come after I was sure I'd messed it all up somehow with my own stupidity. But I've just kept bungling along, hoping and trusting that God would help me through, and time after time the (undeserved) miracles eventually come.

So that's what I'm thankful for today: a new conviction that with each disappointment, each "unanswered" prayer, comes a chance to show God that I love Him, I trust Him, and I'll follow Him no matter what. I just have to be strong enough to take that chance when it's offered.


  1. Wow. Thanks for giving me something wonderful to think about this Thanksgiving!

  2. Thanks, M. This really resonated with me. I think you're absolutely right, and this was so nicely expressed.

  3. Sometimes I wish I WAS you. But, if I was, how long would it take before Sam went NUTS with me around? Days, probably.

    It's good you're you and I'm not you, after all.


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