It was the sunrise.
a.k.a. "the sunset."
a.k.a. "the drumset."
And it was, indeed, beautiful. :)
(Needs improvement)
This is a very, very good monkey.
But this bear is the best!! The guy said, "Well, I'll try to make him holding a little pot of honey." So he did, and do you see what else? He made a little bee to fly along that clear tube, buzzing around trying to get close to the honey pot. When you shake it, the bee flies back and forth. Isn't that awesome?
Lastly, Sam and I have been developing a hieroglyphic language to write in (H is for Hieroglyphics), so the above is the type of thing that greets me every time I walk past our message board. I must say, it's becoming quite a good language. It's really fun to write and decipher each others' messages. Each of us in the family has a different symbol---
Don't you think Malachi's is especially appropriate? Sam said the other day Ky was looking up at him and he thought, "Wow---he looks exactly like his hieroglyphic symbol!"
"So many of us! So many of us!"
Lots of parts. Moveable, flappable, workable, re-arrangeable (on wooden dowels)
"Mommy, if you want to ask me what kind of cake I want next year, you can, but really you can just count on me wanting volcano cakes, because they're my favorite."
"I'll ask you anyway, in case you change your mind."
"All right, and I suppose that sometimes I might have something else, but often, I'll have volcano cakes."
And . . . one more thing . . .
A new bike bell (purple for Abey---gold for Honey). Ding-ding!
Happy Birthday to our sweet SIX-year-old!!
Children's voices in the orchard
Between the blossom- and the fruit-time:
Golden head, crimson head,
Between the green tip and the root.
Black wing, brown wing, hover over;
Twenty years and the spring is over;
To-day grieves, to-morrow grieves,
Cover me over, light-in-leaves;
Golden head, black wing,
Cling, swing,
Spring, sing,
Swing up into the apple-tree.
--T.S. Eliot
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